The Ellen DeGeneres Show
"I believe we witnessed someone that's going to be a huge star and we just saw this happen!"
- Ellen DeGeneres
The Stranger
“Then he strummed his guitar and started to sing—a booming deep voice leaped from out of his gut. Even thought I expected it, it was still unbelievable. A woman sprung up, his voice scared her off her ass. Another shouted out a shocked “WHAT!?” Then everyone stood up, surged towards the stage and started dancing.. -The Stranger, Sasquatch Saturday: Vince Mira Almost Caused a Riot, Megan Seling, May 25, 2008 ”
- Megan Seling
Seattle Weekly
“When skinny, local teenager Vince Mira claimed his position on the Yeti! Stage….The all-seated crowd bum-rushed the stage to get a closer look and listen to the kid who – when your eyes are closed — is a dead ringer for the Man in Black. Very impressive stuff.” - Chris Kornelis
Seattle Pi
"The first time I heard him, I was just blown away," - Gene Stout